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Root Canal Recovery – How to Know When Your Pain is Abnormal

April 15, 2024

Filed under: UncategorizedMatt Mauck @ 7:52 pm
Man rubbing his jaw

Many people have the impression that root canals are painful – one of the most painful treatments you can undergo, in fact. Not only is this not accurate, but it also might prevent you from seeing your post-root canal discomfort as abnormal. There is a threshold that you should watch out for, and if you’re experiencing severe aches, it might be time to revisit your dentist.

Now you’re probably wondering what qualifies for “abnormal” root canal recovery discomfort. To help clear up the confusion, keep reading.

Abnormal Symptoms and Pain

First, there are a few symptoms that could indicate root canal complications, including:

  • Fever
  • Swelling
  • Uneven bite
  • Feeling sick

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, contact your dentist immediately. You might have an infection or other issue that warrants urgent care.

What if your symptoms aren’t quite that dramatic? If you’re distracted or have trouble sleeping because of discomfort in your mouth, jaw, or teeth, you should probably still contact your dentist. It is normal to experience some soreness in these areas after a root canal, but tenderness should be minor, and should last no more than a few days. Even if your dentist determines there’s no cause for concern, you’ll benefit from the reassurance.

What’s Causing the Pain?

Understanding what could be causing your immediate pain can also bring you some peace of mind. Some possibilities are:

  • Leakage
  • Poor dental hygiene
  • Chips or cracks in the sealing or tooth
  • An extra canal
  • An Obstruction

You probably won’t find visual indications of certain causes, such as extra canals in your tooth, but if you notice chips, cracks, or shards of sealing material, inform your dentist. Ultimately, your dentist will be the best judge of what’s wrong, and can utilize X-rays and special equipment to get an accurate evaluation of your oral status. They might find something you couldn’t see.

How Long Should You Wait?

Trick question – you shouldn’t wait to let your dentist know that you’re miserable. While root canals have high success rates, holding back on reporting your symptoms can be extremely dangerous. Excessive aches and prolonged afflictions could mean you need immediate attention. Waiting weeks will only further complicate the problem.

Recovering from root canals might be slightly uncomfortable, and might leave your mouth sore and sensitive, but they shouldn’t be torture. If pain relievers don’t alleviate your aches, you encounter abnormal symptoms, notice your restoration may be broken, or even if you’re just plain worried, don’t hesitate to give your dentist a call. They’ll be happy to see you right away so you can carry on with a pain-free smile!

About the Practice

Drs. Mauck and Ricci are happy to assist patients at Mauck & Ricci, DDS in Aurora. With his advanced root canal training, Dr. Ricci can quickly assess your root canal treatment and make sure you receive the care you need. Call 303-745-1400 if you have questions or need to make a same-day appointment. You can also book non-urgent appointments and submit inquiries through their website.

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